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Main Dish

Blueberry Glazed Blue Cheese Steak

  • Ready Time: 45min
    No Reviews
  • Prep Time: 10min
  • Cook Time: 30min
  • Serves: 4-8
    Prep Method: Grilled
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  • Four 8 oz Ground Sirloin or Bison patties, or your favorite steaks
  • Tony's Steak & Roast, Porterhouse or Z-blend seasoning
  • 6-8 oz. Gorgonzola, MouCo Blu or Cambozola cheese
  • 4-5 TBS Primo Blueberry Jalapeno preserves, or Tony's Organic Blueberry preserves


  • 1 cup fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or a combination)

Serve With:

  • shredded lettuce or mixed greens, brown rice or potatoes, and grilled vegetables

Prep Time: 10min | Cook Time: 30min

Preheat a medium to medium-high indirect grill. Season beef to taste with your favorite Tony’s seasoning rub. Slice or crumble cheese while cold and warm to room temperature.

Grill patties or steak over direct flame, browning well on the first side before turning over. Once turned, brush or smear the browned side of the steak with blueberry preserves. Reduce grill temperature and continue to cook until 3/4 done.

Turn and move patties or steaks to an upper or indirect portion of the grill and brush again with blueberry glaze, allowing the meats to finish slowly to your preferred temperature and glaze with indirect heat.

Remove to a plate, top with blue cheese, cover with a pie tin (not to smash the blue cheese) and rest about 10 minutes.

Serve over shredded lettuce and brown rice or potatoes garnished with fresh berries ñ using more of the blueberry preserves as a serving sauce. Great with seasonal steamed or grilled vegetables.

You may also enjoy this related recipe: Blueberry Glazed Blue Cheese Steak


Recipe by: Chef Mick

Beef or bison steak or patties glazed with blueberry jam and served with melted blue cheese and fresh berries.


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