Sprinkle patties with your favorite Tony’s seasoning and prepare other ingredients. Preheat a medium-high grill and brush clean, add a few chips/chunks of local apple or crabapple wood in the coals or in a tin below the grate and over the hottest part of your gas grill.
Mist or brush cooking grate with oil and immediately add patties, grilling over direct heat for about 3 minutes, turn 45° and repeat – wait until the patty is brown and the juices start to rise to the top before turning.
When the patty is 3/4 done (about 145° internal), top with cheese, cover grill and continue to cook to 160° internal. Move to paper towel-lined plates, tent with foil and rest for five minutes as you warm the green chiles in microwave and toast buns on the grill.
Assemble burger with half of the toppings above and half below the patty for easier eating (lettuce on the bottom bun will keep it from getting soggy). Also great with fresh, pickled red or grilled onions.