Tony’s antibiotic-free chicken is air chilled, vegetarian fed, free of growth hormones, and steroids. In addition to being delicious! We care about our chicken—where it comes from, how it was raised, and how it was processed. You can rest assured that chicken from Tony’s is from animals raised to our standards:

Raw Whole Antibiotic-Free Chicken
Always Antibiotic-Free Chicken
Antibiotics are only one tool to keep chickens healthy. And with the rise of antibiotic-resistant super germs, it’s important to prevent unnecessary exposure to antibiotics. The farmers we work with at Tony’s use a variety of tools to keep chickens healthy including: better nutrition plans, use of probiotics and vaccines, and barns with better climate control. The result is a happier, healthier chicken that you can feel good about serving to your family.
No animal by-products in feed
Although we love to eat meat, at Tony’s we prefer our chickens eat grains. By definition, an animal by-product is the non-rendered, clean parts, other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals. Our commitment to the food starts at the source, so we choose farmers who feed their chicken a simple, vegetarian diet of corn, soy, added nutrients, enzymes, essential oils, and vitamins. See what the labeling terms the USDA uses for meat and poultry!
No supplemental growth hormones or steroids
Despite what you may hear, no artificial or added hormones are used in the production of any poultry in the United States. Regulations of the Food & Drug Administration prohibit the use of such hormones. So any brand of chicken can be labeled “Raised without hormones” or something like that, however, the packaging must also have a statement that no hormones are used in the production of any poultry.
Air Chilled
The USDA requires chicken (and other poultry) to be cooled to a certain temperature in order to ensure food safety. The typical method used, is to immerse the chicken in vats of cold water, which causes the chicken to absorb water and dilute the flavor. This also increases the risk of cross-contamination. Air Chilled chicken is cooled by passing the birds through several chambers where cold, purified air is used to cool the meat, resulting in no added moisture, stronger flavor and less chance for contamination.